On the Modeling of Electron Devices: concept, accuracy criterion with application examples, importance in EE education

by Prof. H. Hakan Kuntman
Department of Electronics-Communication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Istanbul, Turkey
Due to the advances in electronics, computer Technologies and computer programs CAD gets an important role in the design of electronic circuits and systems. This makes simulation and modeling an indispensable factor in the design of electronic devices and circuits. Nowadays computer simulation is one of the most important steps in the IC design. Since microelectronic devices become ever smaller approaching the physical limits, simulation and modeling play increasingly more important role in the research and development phase of electronic systems.
Furthermore, circuit models are also applicable on reliability analyses of electronic circuits. The importance of long term reliability in MOS VLSI circuits is becoming an important subject because of the increasing densities of VLSI chips. Hot carrier effects cause noncatastrophic failures which develop gradually over time and change the circuit performance. Using adequate circuit models, the degradation in the threshold voltage and resulting change in the circuit behaviour can be estimated.
Computer-aided design enables the circuit designer to do things which are not possible with other techniques. The analysis and design of electron devices and integrated circuits depend heavily on the utilization of suitable models. Since any analysis is only as accurate as the model used, it is essential that the circuit designer have a thorough understanding of the origin of the models commonly utilized and the degree of model accuracy, this makes the modeling concept an important factor in EE education.
In this speech we discuss the accuracy criterion of the models giving examples from the practical world, including also reliability models of MOS transistors and CMOS circuits. The aim of the subject discussed is to demonstrate clearly the importance of the accurate modelling from the point of view of practical application world and to introduce new guidelines in EE education.