Smart Grids for Smart Cites

by Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci
Chair of Power Systems
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering
School of Engineering and Architecture, Univ. of Bologna, Italy
There is general consensus that smart grids represent one of the major enablers for the implementation of the concept of smart city. The keynote will first cover the evolution of power systems with particular reference to the last decade: as a matter of fact the electrical power network is rapidly changing in view of the massive injection in it of energy from renewable sources, and one of the consequences is indeed the development/implementation of the concept of smart grid. The main relevant technical challenges will be illustrated. The second part will cover the role that smart cities are expected to play in the EU's future power/energy scenario. Some examples of actual implementations, concerning electrical mobility and intentional islanding of part of a municipality power network, will be given.
Biography: Carlo Alberto Nucci is full professor and head of the Power Systems Laboratory of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering
‘Guglielmo Marconi’ of the Univ. of Bologna.
He is author or co-author of over 300 scientific papers published on peer-reviewed journals or on proceedings of international conferences,
of five book chapters edited by IEE (two), Kluwer, Rumanian Academy of Science and WIT press and of a couple of IEEE Standards and some CIGRE technical brochures.
He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the IET, CIGRE honorary member and has received some best paper/technical international awards,
including the CIGRE Technical Committee Award. From January 2006 to September 2012 he has served as Chairman of Cigré Study Committee
C4 ‘System Technical Performance’.
Since January 2010 he is serving as Editor in Chief of the Electric Power Systems Research journal, Elsevier.
Prof. Nucci is doctor honoris causa of the Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest and corresponding member of the Bologna Science Academy.
Since January 2013 he serves as president of the Italian Group of Univ. Professors of Electrical Power Systems (GUSEE).
He is an advisor of the Global Resource Management Program of Doshisha Univ., Kyoto, supported by the Japanese Ministry of
Education and Science. He is the coordinator of the Working Group ‘Smart City’ of the Univ. of Bologna, has been serving
as member of the EU Smart City Stakeholder Platform since 2013, and since 2014 is representing PES in the IEEE Smart City Initiatives Program.