On the Teaching of the Axiomatics of Lumped Physical Systems

by Prof. Vedat Tavşanoğlu
Isık University, Turkey
This talk aims to raise awareness of the necessity for the teaching of the axiomatics of lumped physical systems in circuit theory and will start by highlighting the important role of base and derived quantities of the SI (the Internatıonal System of Units) in electrical and electronics engineering education.
The concept of ‘undefined’ and ‘defined’ terms of mainstream physical theories and their relation to the base and derived quantities of the SI will be discussed.
It will be pointed out that the number of base quantities required for lumped and distributed systems is different: Maxwell’s equations require four base quantities; lumped circuits, lumped mechanical systems, and lumped thermal systems each require three base quantities.
Attention will be drawn to the fact that for lumped systems through and across variables, and time can be regarded as the three base quantities for each physical domain; and the two Kirchhoff’s laws expressed in the through and across variables, respectively, as the two axioms. An alternative set of three base quantities will be proposed and the implications will be discussed.
Two new proposition will be made that show the features of the mathematical relationships between energy and power, and through and across variables.
This talk will be concluded with a discussion on a new perspective into the concept of lumped electromagnetic systems.