The Challenges and Opportunities for the Characterisation of Quantifying Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields

by Prof. Dave Thomas
The George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Tel: +44 115 9515594
Fax: +44 115 91515616
Email: dave.thomas@nottingham.ac.uk
Near field measurement and modelling techniques for electronic equipment have been developed for many years. The complexity of modern electronics now requires a statistical approach. Efficient modelling tools for describing noisy electromagnetic fields in complex environments is paramount for tackling the development of the next generation of integrated circuits and chip architectures. C2C communication and wireless links between printed circuit boards operating as Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) devices will become dominant features overcoming the information bottleneck due to wired connections. Designing the architecture of these wireless C2C networks will challenge standard engineering design tools. Device modelling and chip optimization procedures need to be fundamentally based on the underlying physics for determining the electromagnetic fields, the noise models and complex interference pattern. In addition, the input signals of modern communication systems are modulated, coded, noisy and eventually disturbed by other signals and thus extremely complex. To simulate the reaction of complex wireless C2C elements, new electromagnetic field simulation techniques are needed to describe a realistic system response for the development of future communication circuits, chips and systems.
This presentation will review recent advances both in electrical engineering and mathematical physics make it possible to deliver the breakthroughs necessary to enable this future emerging technology. Increasingly sophisticated physical models of wireless interconnects and associated signal processing strategies and new insight in wave modelling in complex environments based on dynamical systems theory and random matrix theory make it possible to envisage wireless communication on a chip level. This opens completely new pathways for chip design, for carrier frequency ranges as well as for energy efficiency and miniaturisation, which will shape the electronic consumer market in the 21st century and worldwide.
Prof. Dave Thomas is a Professor of Electromagnetics Applications and Director of The George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research, The University of Nottingham UK. His research interests are in electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic simulation, power system transients and power system protection with a particular interest in stochastic fields and uncertainty in electromagnetics.
He is a member of CIGRE and convenor for Joint Working Group C4.31 “EMC between communication circuits and power systems”. He is also Chair for the IEEE EMC Technical committee T7 on Low Frequency EMC, Chair of COST Action IC 1407 “Advanced Characterisation and Classification of Radiated Emissions in Densely Integrated Technologies (ACCREDIT)” and a member of the EMC Europe International Steering Committee.