Selected Emerging Technologies in the World and Technology State of Turkey

by Prof. Dr. Siddik Yarman, Fellow IEEE
Istanbul Univ.
Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Turkey
In this talk, some selected emerging technologies of the world is summarized. Then, technology state of Turkey is discussed. Finally, impact of the rapid technological developments on the developing countries is assessed.
Some selected current state of the art modern technologies may be given as follows.
• Communication Technologies (Broadband Design Techniques, Compression Techniques, wireless networks)
• S/W and Entertainment Technologies (Displays, animation and visual arts techniques and computer games)
• Electric and Smart Cars
• Artificial Intelligence, Electronics based Medical Devices and Organs and Prosthetics
• Sensor technologies and Robotics
In view of above technologies, we will review the current technology state and system integration capabilities in Turkey including consumer electronics, telecommunications, military electronics, medical, industrial electronics and transportation sectors.
Eventually, we present a futuristic view to assess the rapid technological developments on the developing countries.
Professor Yarman was born on July 6, 1952 in Istanbul, Turkey. He graduated from Istanbul Işık High School (1969) which was founded in Greece (1885). Received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Technical Univ. of Istanbul (Feb. 1974), M.Sc. degree from Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA (1978), Ph.D. degree from Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA (1982). He had been Member of Technical Staff at David Sarnoff Research Center where he was in charge of designing various satellite transponders for various commercial and military agencies in the US such as Air Force, Hughes Aircraft’s, Bell Labs, Comsat, Intelsat, American Satcom of RCA etc. He returned to Turkey in 1984 and served as Assistant, Associate and full Professor at Anatolia Univ.-Eskişehir, Middle East Technical Univ.-Ankara, Technical Univ. of Istanbul, and Istanbul Univ., Istanbul. He had been the chairperson of Department of Electronics Engineering, Defense Technologies and Director of School of Technical Sciences of Istanbul Univ. over the years 1990-1996.
He was one of the founders of I-ERDEC Maryland USA (1983), STFA SAVRONIK; a Defense Electronics company in Turkey (1986) and ARES Security Systems Inc. (1990). He had been a visiting professor at Ruhr Univ., Bochum, Germany over the years 1987-1994. He had been a technical consultant to Turkish General Staff, Turkish Air Force and Turkish Military Industries over the years 1984-1987. He had been the Chief Technical Adviser to Turkish Prime Ministry Office and Director of Electronic and Technical Intelligent Agency of Turkey (1993-1999).
He was the Founding President of Işık Univ.
Dr. Yarman published more than 200 scientific and technical papers in the field of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Microwave Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mathematics and Management. He holds four US patents assigned to US Air Force. He has served in various technical and scientific committees since 1980 in the USA, and Turkey. He received the Young Turkish Scientist Award in 1986, the Technology Award in 1987 of National Research and Technology Counsel of Turkey. He received the Research Fellowship award of Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany, in 1987. He became the Member of New York Academy of Science in1994. He was named as the “Man of the year in Science and Technology” in 1998 of Cambridge Biography Center, UK and recently elevated to IEEE Fellow for his contribution to “Computer Aided design of Broadband Amplifiers”. Prof. Siddik Yarman is married with Sema Yarman (Prof. Dr. MD, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Div. of Endocrinology, Medical School of Istanbul Univ.) with one son Evren Yarman (US citizen, Ph.D from EE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA).