ELECO® 2013 |
The Chamber of Electrical Engineers Bursa Branch |
Uludag University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
The eighth "International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO 2013" will be held on November 28-30,2013. in Bursa, Turkey.
ELECO is organized as international conferences in odd numbered years and as national conferences in even numbered years.
As such, ELECO 2013 is the 8th international conference, that brings together researchers from many countries, serves as a forum for electrical, electronics engineers and scientists in academia
and industry to present their works and to share their experiences in the area of electrical and electronics engineering.
ELECO 2013 is jointly organized by Uludag University, Bursa; Istanbul Technical University (ITU); and the Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO), Bursa Branch.
Conference Venue: Bursa, Turkey
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